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CubeOne™ API

CubeOne™ API 소개

이기종 DBMS 환경 지원

CubeOne™ API supports encryption among the heterogeneous DBMSs not dependent on DBMS.
The API also supports the application of encryption to the batch job for which encryption is hard to apply due to the long processing time. In addition, CubeOne™ API supports encrypted index search if applied with CubeOne™ Plug-in at the same time.

CubeOne™ API특징 및 장점

대용량 BATCH 성능 확보

Service performance degradation is not a problem anymore when DBMS encryption is applied using CubeOne™ API.
For the large-capacity batch job that cannot complete the service within the target processing time after applying DBMS encryption, the service completion time after encryption application can be reduced significantly by carrying out the batch job by applying CubeOne™ API in the local DBMS server.

운영사례를 통해 확인된 경이적인 성능

CubeOne™ API has been demonstrating strong, unparalleled performance in many large-scale BMTs. Performance deterioration shown in other products no longer matters in CubeOne™ API.
Actual development sites have proven that the performance difference before.after encryption is almost unrecognizable.

부하분산 구조 지원

Once mounted with CubeOne™ Plug-in, the API can be used to process OLAP queries and batch programs that need more time, whereas all other queries can be processed using the Plug-in for the same data (table). As a result, the load balancing structure can be built in the true sense of the word, and every type of load can be responded to effectively. In particular, this structure demonstrates strong effects on the database with batch job load and trading business in which the processing time is a critical factor.

그밖의 한발 앞선 신기술들

CubeOne™ API is full of other diverse functions that are not available in competitors’ products, including partial encryption based on the actual development experience; multiple monitoring console; triple-depth password authentication; detection and control of the changed password and application name.

CubeOne™ API구조

타 API보다 월등히 빠른 성능의 간결한 구조

In CubeOne™ API, the entire process (access control > encryption/decryption processing > log saving) is internally processed by Encryption_API without the intervention of an additional process.
This extraordinarily simple structure provides fast performance and excellent fault tolerance.
(BMT results show 50% faster performance over other vendors’ API.)

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