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CubeOne™ for SAP

CubeOne™ for SAP 개요

CubeOne™ for SAP supports SAP R/3 upgrade (guaranteeing integrity) without restrictions. As the actions needed for encryption configuration and application are automated (e.g., no need to modify the SAP standard, providing the function that can modify CB sources automatically, etc.), users can operate SAP conveniently and safely without confusion caused by encryption works. In addition, CubeOne™ logs/monitors the entire encryption process and changes due to encryption, and automates reactivation of changes when upgrading SAP. Therefore, users can save significantly on the cost when upgrading the product or apply additional encryption, because users can perform the job using the GUI, or with minimal consulting services.

CubeOne™ for SAP 특징 및 장점

암호화 적용시 SAP UPGRADE 보장

Function : Normal encryption service during daemon failure, using CubeOne’s proprietary daemon-less structure; easy to monitor the situation and set new encryption for the encrypted domain

Benefit   : Securing SAP operation availability

운영 안정성 보장

Function : CubeOne™ unique structure of Daemon-Less Service in the event of failure of the daemon to encrypt the normal encryption services, set up encryptionDomain, and the new encryption settings for easy status monitoring

Benefit   : SAP operational stability

보안성 확보

Function : Safe encryption/decryption algorithm certified by the National Intelligence Service; securing right control levels and safe encryption/decryption key management system

Benefit   : Satisfying the requirements of related laws and regulations

ICO 절감

Function : Automatic reflection (setting method) of the domain to encrypt and automatic encryption/decryption function generation for the domain to encrypt; cost saving during initial application with automated encryption application, such as automatic generation of the initial migration program

Benefit   : Cost saving by reducing the time to implement the project

CubeOne™ for SAP 특징 및 장점

타 API보다 월등히 빠른 성능의 간결한 구조

CubeOne™ for SAP 관리화면

CubeOne™ for SAP 인증현황

Site Information

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