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CEO Message

보안 영역의 최고를 지향하는 이글로벌시스템, 이제 그 이름처럼 글로벌 세상을 위해 한 걸음 더 나아가려 합니다.

"Responsibility, trust, and common sense" is the mission statement of eGlobal System.
Strong security can be inconvenient and cause negative impacts on performance
however, security measures must be taken for safety, as convenience without safety can be quite dangerous.
However, it is not desirable to force customers to endure inconvenience and low performance on the grounds that
"Security must be implemented."

eGlobal System is endeavoring to minimize the negative influence of security measures while guaranteeing security,
which we believe should be the responsibility of security product vendors.
These efforts are compensated by our customers’ satisfaction.

For customers, eGlobal System will bear the responsibility for all our product lines.
A reputation for reliability of eGlobal System products begins with a sense of responsibility,
and 100% successful implementation is the result.

eGlobal System will be a company with high reliability.
In addition to customers, eGlobal System will deliver trust to everyone who aims for the same goal with us.
eGlobal System will be a leading company that provides the best product in the world. For this, we will make efforts to achieve creative development and meet our commitment.

eGlobal System is a sensible company.
Responsibility and trust cannot be secured without common sense. We believe that a sustainable company is based on common sense.
Please continue to watch eGlobal System with much interest and see that we keep our commitments.

Thank you.

(주)이글로벌시스템 대표이사 강희창

Site Information

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