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CubeOne™ Plug-In

CubeOne™ Plug-In 소개

진정한 APPLICATION 독립성 확보

As the CubeOne™ Plug-in is independent from the application, application developers and managers don’t have to worry about encryption. That is, users can use the existing SQL statement without alteration. In particular, as CubeOne™ manages dependency related jobs (e.g., trigger) on behalf of the DB administrator, no additional manual work is required.

CubeOne™ Plug-In 특징 및 장점

탁월한 무 중단 암호화 기능

CubeOne™ is integrated with the real-time reorganization function that is available only in expensive DB tools. Therefore, the DB service can be provided without interruption when performing initial encryption work and additional encryption work during operation. CubeOne™ technology ensures no service interruption due to excessive locking despite the heavy transaction.

업계 유일의 암호화된 INDEX를 통한 색인검색 기능

CubeOne™ is the only product that completely supports table and index encryption, and allows index search using this index (patent is registered). Once encrypted by CubeOne™, there is no serious performance degradation due to full stable scan.

그밖의 한발 앞선 신기술들

CubeOne™ is full of other diverse functions that are not available in competitors’ products, including the dual mode implemented first in the industry, based on actual development experience; additional encryption without decryption; real-time synchronization that applies encryption to connected sessions immediately; multiple monitoring console; triple-depth password encryption; detection and control of the changed password and application name.

CubeOne™ Plug-In 소개

최고의 운영성 및 내 장애생 구조

CubeOne™ API and Plug-in provide architectures that ensure normal operation even if all daemon processes are faulty. In addition, a key distribution server (secure server) is provided so that the key loaded into the DB and App server can be automatically loaded at the time of re-startup for the purpose of confidentiality. Owing to this architecture,
the fault-tolerance feature of CubeOne™ is the best in the industry.

Site Information

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